Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Post 4: What time is it, chronomaniac?

"Server time is always right." - Rower

How do you know what time it is?
A) check the position of the sun
B) ask someone else
C) check your watch

I'm one of those people who always asks someone else. I don't wear watches because I know that I'll always worry about what time it is and about being late. And this seems to be a common affliction that our society suffers from: an obsession with time. "There are only twenty-four hours in a day! I didn't have enough time to finish! Can't you go any faster? Where did all my time go!" Heard any of these lately? Yeah. We're obsessed.

Why do we need to do everything so fast? As soon as we wake up, we rush to go to work or school. At work/school, we rush to get everything done. Then we rush back home. At any point do we stop to think about why we do this or how this affects us? Where does the need to get things done fast come from? And once you've rushed through everything you needed to do, what's next?!

We can learn from the concept of time in Indian mythology. In the world of souls, one human month is only equal to a single soul-day. In the world of the gods, one human year only makes up a single god-day. And a single day in the life of Bhrahma (the universe creator) is equivalent to 8,640,000,000 human years!*

The life of a human is so small when compared to everything else...only humans could get so caught up in a quest for more time.

*Kannikeswaran, K. "Concept of Time in Indian Mythology." Templenet - The Comprehensive Indian Temple website. 17 Feb. 2009 .

1 comment:

  1. Hi Origin.
    Coming from a "professional rusher," I can definitely say I relate to this blog. I spend a good amount of my day rushing, to school, class, at practice etc. and I found that rushing only adds to the amount of stress I already posses. What I noticed was that when I took the time to down down and just take my sweet time going thru something I enjoyed it more and simply got more out of it. What your blog really got me thinking about is how time is just numbers being counted, what really matters is living up each moment of our lives trying to achieve the best out of it we possibly can. Spending our time not just looking towards what is next, but for some sort of fulfillment.

